Friday, October 31, 2008
theres a million other girls who do it just like you
Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change
Once a whore, you're nothing more, I'm sorry that'll never change
And about forgiveness, we're both supposed to have exchanged
I'm sorry honey, but I passed it up, now look this way
Well there's a million other girls who do it just like you
Looking as innocent as possible to get to who,
They want and what they like, it's "easy if you do it right"
Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse
-- Paramore - Misery Business
I always thought friendship is the most important thing in the world. When boyfriends cheat, or dump you, true friends will stand by your side through it all. Maybe people go through shitt to realize who their real friends are. Maybe life is constantly testing us. It just really sucks that in order to pass you have to go through hell...and get hurt. I'm starting to realize that reverse karma seems more applicable to my life.
My next tattoo I swear will be a wave...because thats how life is for me. A rocky ocean no matter how good of a sailor I am. Hah.
How is it possible to have such bad luck?
Headphones. My head phones I bought like 2 months ago comped out on me. Yes I listen to music pretty much any time I am not talking or doing that may explain it, but get this. I went and bought a new pair after work and on the walk home I was loving life, as much as i can be, because I had music back. Then, when I got on the bus to come here (my sisters) one ear stopped working!
Technology hates me. Printer wasn't working for me at work either.
So much bad luck. This better get me a life of gravefullness and consistency in my next life.
Wow. I am so not Halloweeny today. I have been Halloweeny every day but today. In fact, the fact that it is Halloween makes me sick. Because it pretty much makes me nostalgic...and that makes me sad.
Grade 9 Semi - seeing boys you like dance with someone else. You'd think that feeling would go away once you go through college. Nope. I am the girl sitting on the side lines watching all the couples dance right now. Bleh how unbelievably depressing.
I need alcohol. Actually...thats a lie. Thats probablly the last thing I need.
I am here with my sisters cat and its like an instant cozy feeling all of a sudden. This cat dosen't know whats going on in my life, but wow animals are unconditional. Then again...she's lonely since Mary and Rob have been away for about she is happy to see anyone.
I need a cat.
I am Rob Gordon
Good movie. Watch it.
After this years series of unfortunate events that is my life with guys I have realized that I am the female version of Rob Gordon. To a tee.
I have a new outlook. However this new outlook will involve taking a year of celebicy to save myself the utter embarasment I feel every time this happens. And cats. I will deffinitly have to buy some cats. Thats a must.
Oh yeah.
Happy Halloween.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I've got crosshairs on your heart *
Yesterday the Priemere attended the event I was working. It was pretty funny because when I met him he actually started chatting with me. He asked me where I was from, and when I said Antigonish he told me that his Executive Assitent was from there - Bob Chisholm. So then I satrted talking to him and turns out he knows my family, down to my mom and dads name. He even asked me about my sister being in vey school. Smalllll world. Then to make it even smaller of a world, there was a PR lady at the event who started talking to me who was from the Nish too. Weirddd.
I need to get home at the end of the month. I am craving the familarity of the nish. The more older I get the more I realize that we had it pretty damn good in that town. Then again, times were simple in high school - so i think all of us were happy just doing our thing and finding ways to have fun there. When you grow up you want more, and usually that means moving on to another city. But I've stayed connected to friends I made growing up there and I think that really says something about the place. Yes its small, and is often the butt of many jokes. But its full of amazingly nice people and places, and as much as I am a big city girl, I will always appreciate that town. I want a peice of Wheel pizza now.
On a completly unrelated note. I have strange boobs. I went to buy a new bra today to go with my costume (and its just an excuse to get a new, functional bra) annnnd turns out I am completely in between a 34/36 band, and B/C cup. God dmanit. Why can't they make inbetween sized in bras? I love my boobs, but when it comes to bra shopping, I almost have to try on 4 different sizes to figure out which one fits! ARGH.
I have been having some interesting talks with friends latly. Its funny, I have always considered my self pretty self aware of who I am but I have been realizeing latly, that living in my own little dream world, is not always the best for the people around me. Andrew told me that I love to embrace change with everything but myself. Its like I am open minded to experience, and through those experience I may or may not change. But in terms of myself I have this additude that I will nver change for anyone and I get my defences up when people point out things about me that aren't the most positive. Just got me really thinking. I think I am at a cacoon stage in life right now, where I need to rediscover myself, as freakin cheessy as that sounds. I love that I have dignity but I need to start let people in more gradually, rather then falling fast and grasping on for dear life only to get hurt in the end.
Hm. Wheels are a turnin in this head of mine.
You say theres tons of fish in the water, so the waters I will test *
yesterday after work my dad took me out to dinner at one of my fave places in Halifax was verry nice. Then we went to Mary`s to check in on Ashley. Then after that I met up with danielle, danielle`s mom and michelle for a ghost walk of halifax. It was pretty chilli out but other then that an AWESOME night for it. We started at the Citidal, then proceeded to the waterfront area. It was verrrrry good, very engaing and interetsing to hear the creepy history of this place. There weredeffinitly some stories that gave me chills. Its deffinitly worth checking out!!!
After that sir andrew joinded me for a coach potato eveing of nachos and 90210....yeah he watches it. Lame I know. haha.
Today I woke up early and went to the mall to buy more stuff for my costume. Man i love halloween...but its damn exspensive!! Oh well, it just really fun dressing up and I like to do it right. Pretty excited for at Jubalie and then going out...maybe? I will be in good company anyways and thats all that matters.
On another note, heather chafe....if you read this...I MISS YOU. Can't wait for your next visit.
Anywho, on my break right now sooooo I will be updating later tonight when I get bored!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Events at the Pier


Now my heel hurts. Should I be worried? lol
So much to do, so little time!
Bleh. I'm writing from work right now, working the typical 12-8 shifts, which I love. Today I have a liad back client/event, so I have some free time to kill.
Sooo MY COSTUME CAME IN THE MAIL YESTERDAY! yayyyyy! It fits me very good, could actually be a bit smaller, but maybe a whole size smaller would have been too tight. If only my boobs were in proportion to my body! I will need some sort of strapless bra to contain the twins, since it fits me rather small in the chest. I will post a picture when I get home!
I am so glad it came on time...phew!
Now I just need to gets some accessories to match it: fish nets, a basket for grandmas cookies (haha), some red ribbon for in my hair, etc..
Other then that, yesterday was an okay day, despite the crappy weather. I left Mary's and went to Lomis. My mom gave me a 50$ gift card that she didn't want. So I wanted to buy something I had my eye on for a while. Huge wall doecor stickers. Wow I was indecisibve. I really wanted to make a statement since my walls in my living room were pretty bare. I was so torn between two that I really liked. After like a half an hour of looking through everything I decided on these really cool grpahic black leafy trees. They came to 50.80 with the tax. I know it sound sliek a lot, but these things are well worth it. They are a lot more artistic then the standard poster and I have no money to buy frammed artwork, so it worked out AWESOME. Take a loooook:
I still have some more to add, its a work in progess but thats what it looks like so far!
I realize now that my apartment is still a work in progress. Each week I make a habbit of buying something new for it. Hopefully it'll be almost fully Sarah-ized by the end of the year.
Its so windy out. Right now looking down at the water through the windows of the Pier there are white caps everywhere! As long as its not snow, I am not complaining.
The next coupel of days will be crazy, running around trying to figure out stuff for Halloween. I still need plans for the 31st! If only my apt was bigger I could throw my own party but its too damn cozy for a full out party. All I know is that I need to go out either Friday or Saturday with this costume!! Its so rad!
To Do List for this week (revised)...oh god, theres the event coordinator side of me coming out
- Die my hair...happening either tonight or tomorrow night
- Make a hair appointment if time allows...may not happen
- Buy some stuff for halloween!
- Super with Dad tomorrow night after work
- Start looking for a winter jacket
Hmm...not as bad as I thought. I think it just seems packed because when I work 12-8 shifts, I rarely get up before 11 sooooo I never get anything done. I need to learnt o start getting up early to get stuff done! Argh
Anyways, that is all.
On a side note, I have this far off dream to go New Zealand in a year or two, through ISV...was talking to an RCR staff today who is from there. He told me if I am gonna go, I had better go within a year because prices are supposed to go sky high soon. Leap of faith? we'll see. I need to get graduated first before any travel plans can happen!
Monday, October 27, 2008
To Do List
- Buy Matt Mays/Sam Roberts tickets
- Figure out Halloween Plans
- Make a hair appointment/die hair
- Figure out a back up Halloween costume...cause frankly, my costume I ordered on Ebay hasn't arrived and I'm worried!
- Buy a pumpkin to carve
- Make a docters appointment at some point
Had to write these things down otherwise I'll forget :)
Anyways, I'm currently at my sisters place cat sitting. I stayed the night here last night and had the best sleep everrrr.
Last night I went to the Mount to visit Heidi and we went to the Haunted House....let me just say that this Haunted House is so good it puts you through post trammatic stress disorder! Only Heidi knows how "brace" I we screamed so much, my stomach hurt! It was so nice seeing Heidi and I had so much fun! After that we went to Andrews for a visit which was also very fun.
Its my day off today, so I'm going to head back in town to run some errends then likely pick up a movie and come back here for the night.
On a side note, I am in love with the new Nickelback song. <3
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Things that make me happy
In no order
- Window shopping at Bridal stores
- Weather that is "just right" - not too warm, or cold
- New clothes or accessories

-Hot fresh macdonalds fries
-Looking at Art

-Sleeping in warm sheets, straight from the dryer
- Good hair days
- Compliments from strangers

Well...this is my blog
Right now I am writing to you, hung over, in a messy apartment after a night of partying with friends - awesome friends who I have so much fun with.
Life can be weird sometimes. It seems we are all going about it the best way we know how, and when you fall down, you just gotta get back up. It never works out how you expected. but that's usually the fun part. Its unpredictable, and things happen that we don't expect. If you say it'll be sunny tomorrow, it is sure to rain.
That being said. Welcome to my blog.
A little about me:
I am a forth year PR student at Mount Saint Vincent University and I live in down town Halifax. I love this city more then I can express. My hometown is Antigonish Nova Scotia, where I have a love hate relationship. It will always be my home, however, halifax and the rest of the world holds better things for me I am sure.
I work as Events Coordinator at one of the best venues in the country, Pier 21. I absolutely love my job, the people, and the place. So many stories, and I am learning more and more each day. I love knowing doing this will get me somewhere eventually.
Love life? Non existent. Experiences? Plenty. Many of which have left me hurt, but in the end its all about learning and growing as a person because of it. Its impossible to explain, or validate why things happen the way they do. In moments of loneliness and frustration its very easy for me to say that it feels like I am destined to be fucked over when it comes to relationships or prospects even, but there is a sliver lining...somewhere...i am sure. My track record says otherwise, but I am going to try to live day by day and take things as they come.
I have a passion for music. Its what I live for. It gets me through anything that comes my way and I can't go a day without listening to it. Besides that I love just being with friends and having as much fun as possible in this crazy little thing called life...
Well...I am off to confide in some sort of fast food. After a night like last night I need it.....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
First Post
Just testing things out to see if it works.
Although this isn't my first time using blogger, I really want to learn the htmal and make it look ---me-- ...however that will take time.
My friend Andrew inspired me to start again. His blog is so check it out.