Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've got crosshairs on your heart *

I am so excited to see Matt Mays and Sam Roberts on Nov 28th! On the walk here I was listening to songs from Terminal Romance (ie...the best cd ever) and it got me so excited! I just absolutly love the tone of the album. Its so raw and honest, yet descriptive and emotional. Deffintly has some bruce springstein and neil young influences in his music in general but it really shines through on this one. Theres so many different types of songs on it light and dnacy songs like rock Ranger Record, but then you have really dark and heavy ones like The Hunter, The Hunted. I just all around LOVE it.

Yesterday the Priemere attended the event I was working. It was pretty funny because when I met him he actually started chatting with me. He asked me where I was from, and when I said Antigonish he told me that his Executive Assitent was from there - Bob Chisholm. So then I satrted talking to him and turns out he knows my family, down to my mom and dads name. He even asked me about my sister being in vey school. Smalllll world. Then to make it even smaller of a world, there was a PR lady at the event who started talking to me who was from the Nish too. Weirddd.

I need to get home at the end of the month. I am craving the familarity of the nish. The more older I get the more I realize that we had it pretty damn good in that town. Then again, times were simple in high school - so i think all of us were happy just doing our thing and finding ways to have fun there. When you grow up you want more, and usually that means moving on to another city. But I've stayed connected to friends I made growing up there and I think that really says something about the place. Yes its small, and is often the butt of many jokes. But its full of amazingly nice people and places, and as much as I am a big city girl, I will always appreciate that town. I want a peice of Wheel pizza now.

On a completly unrelated note. I have strange boobs. I went to buy a new bra today to go with my costume (and its just an excuse to get a new, functional bra) annnnd turns out I am completely in between a 34/36 band, and B/C cup. God dmanit. Why can't they make inbetween sized in bras? I love my boobs, but when it comes to bra shopping, I almost have to try on 4 different sizes to figure out which one fits! ARGH.

I have been having some interesting talks with friends latly. Its funny, I have always considered my self pretty self aware of who I am but I have been realizeing latly, that living in my own little dream world, is not always the best for the people around me. Andrew told me that I love to embrace change with everything but myself. Its like I am open minded to experience, and through those experience I may or may not change. But in terms of myself I have this additude that I will nver change for anyone and I get my defences up when people point out things about me that aren't the most positive. Just got me really thinking. I think I am at a cacoon stage in life right now, where I need to rediscover myself, as freakin cheessy as that sounds. I love that I have dignity but I need to start let people in more gradually, rather then falling fast and grasping on for dear life only to get hurt in the end.

Hm. Wheels are a turnin in this head of mine.

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