Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So much to do, so little time!

Why must I spend my days off doing nothing when I could totally be doing something usefull, like luandry or cleaning....

Bleh. I'm writing from work right now, working the typical 12-8 shifts, which I love. Today I have a liad back client/event, so I have some free time to kill.

Sooo MY COSTUME CAME IN THE MAIL YESTERDAY! yayyyyy! It fits me very good, could actually be a bit smaller, but maybe a whole size smaller would have been too tight. If only my boobs were in proportion to my body! I will need some sort of strapless bra to contain the twins, since it fits me rather small in the chest. I will post a picture when I get home!

I am so glad it came on time...phew!

Now I just need to gets some accessories to match it: fish nets, a basket for grandmas cookies (haha), some red ribbon for in my hair, etc..

Other then that, yesterday was an okay day, despite the crappy weather. I left Mary's and went to Lomis. My mom gave me a 50$ gift card that she didn't want. So I wanted to buy something I had my eye on for a while. Huge wall doecor stickers. Wow I was indecisibve. I really wanted to make a statement since my walls in my living room were pretty bare. I was so torn between two that I really liked. After like a half an hour of looking through everything I decided on these really cool grpahic black leafy trees. They came to 50.80 with the tax. I know it sound sliek a lot, but these things are well worth it. They are a lot more artistic then the standard poster and I have no money to buy frammed artwork, so it worked out AWESOME. Take a loooook:

I still have some more to add, its a work in progess but thats what it looks like so far!

I realize now that my apartment is still a work in progress. Each week I make a habbit of buying something new for it. Hopefully it'll be almost fully Sarah-ized by the end of the year.

Its so windy out. Right now looking down at the water through the windows of the Pier there are white caps everywhere! As long as its not snow, I am not complaining.

The next coupel of days will be crazy, running around trying to figure out stuff for Halloween. I still need plans for the 31st! If only my apt was bigger I could throw my own party but its too damn cozy for a full out party. All I know is that I need to go out either Friday or Saturday with this costume!! Its so rad!

To Do List for this week (revised)...oh god, theres the event coordinator side of me coming out

  • Die my hair...happening either tonight or tomorrow night
  • Make a hair appointment if time allows...may not happen
  • Buy some stuff for halloween!
  • Super with Dad tomorrow night after work
  • Start looking for a winter jacket

Hmm...not as bad as I thought. I think it just seems packed because when I work 12-8 shifts, I rarely get up before 11 sooooo I never get anything done. I need to learnt o start getting up early to get stuff done! Argh

Anyways, that is all.

On a side note, I have this far off dream to go New Zealand in a year or two, through ISV...was talking to an RCR staff today who is from there. He told me if I am gonna go, I had better go within a year because prices are supposed to go sky high soon. Leap of faith? we'll see. I need to get graduated first before any travel plans can happen!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the wall decor! I always wanted to do something like that!