Monday, October 27, 2008

To Do List

This week's To Do List:

- Buy Matt Mays/Sam Roberts tickets
- Figure out Halloween Plans
- Make a hair appointment/die hair
- Figure out a back up Halloween costume...cause frankly, my costume I ordered on Ebay hasn't arrived and I'm worried!
- Buy a pumpkin to carve
- Make a docters appointment at some point

Had to write these things down otherwise I'll forget :)

Anyways, I'm currently at my sisters place cat sitting. I stayed the night here last night and had the best sleep everrrr.

Last night I went to the Mount to visit Heidi and we went to the Haunted House....let me just say that this Haunted House is so good it puts you through post trammatic stress disorder! Only Heidi knows how "brace" I we screamed so much, my stomach hurt! It was so nice seeing Heidi and I had so much fun! After that we went to Andrews for a visit which was also very fun.

Its my day off today, so I'm going to head back in town to run some errends then likely pick up a movie and come back here for the night.

On a side note, I am in love with the new Nickelback song. <3

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