Animal cruelty makes me sick.
If you haven't heard already, The Halifax SPCA shelter experienced a traumatic incident the other day. Someone abandoned 2 young cats, one of which was pregnant, at the shelter and left them under an employees car. The employee, unaware of this, accidentally hit the 2 cats. One died instantly and the other the time. I read on the website today the pregnant mother cat had to be put down because it was inhumane to keep her alive, given her condition. Not only has whoever done this, killed two cats but they have traumatized this SPCA worker. This has got to stop. I am so sick to my stomach over this.
The worst part of it is, we don't know who did it. The SPCA have issued a number of press releases urging anyone who knows anything to come forward. People should not get away with things like this. Obviously, the SPCA is considering its options as to what can be done to prevent this, however, if it doesn't happen in the parking lot of the shelter, it happens everywhere else. And unfortunately we can not stop it every time. Whoever did this may have done it because of the pregnant cat...which is why efforts and education needs to be initiated to inform the public about the importance of spaying and neutering their pets.
My thoughts are with the SPCA employee. I can only image how upset she is.
My sister Mary is on the Board with the SPCA and has been doing a lot of PR for them lately...she is one of two media spokespersons. I have decided to join the very small, but existent, PR committee. They need all the help they can get and this cause is so close to my heart its hard for me to NOT get involved.
To read more about this story, visit:
To learn more about other news and events going on with the SPCA, visit the Nova Scota chapter's website:
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