1) Music note with stars surrounding it - representing my passion fo music
2) A tree - very simply designed with the word strength, hope or dignity under it. This will likely be the one I will get. Thought long and hard about it. When I look around at photos that I love, they all have trees in them. My favourite photos include either trees,sunsets or the ocean.
My decision to do this is based on a qoute:
"Some trees grow very tall and straight and large in the forest close to each other, but some must stand by themselves or they won't grow at all." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
At this point in my life its a time of growing, and standing alone...learning to be independant and not relie on others so much. The image of a tree standing alone, yet thriving, makes me think of exactly how I want to be....so this tattoo idea seems like it may be the one.
In terms of the word choice...hope has always been a word i have wanted to use. I am going to think more about it. Dignity is a strong word for me....and strength would go very well with the tree image. Thoughts?
Here are some pics I have found for inspiration:
I like the simplicity of these trees...
Where I got the idea
Just liked this...
ummm that first tree one...it looks INCREDIBLY painful...but then again i'm also a wimp
I'd go for the tree with all three words - one on each side and one on the bottom. They all represent a part of you and I think they're all suitable!
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