Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Slow down time!

James Blunt was REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY good last night.

I was very impressed, considering I didn’t think too much of him before going to the show. He was a really good performer (his voice was amazing!) and he was actually quite energetic. I figured he’d be pretty chill, and just sort of do his own thing, But man! He actually rocked out to a couple heavy songs, and he even ran into the crowd at one point and got up on a riser towards the back with a piano and played like 2 songs! Guess being on the floor and towards the back pays off sometimes!

We had really good seats. Lower bowl and close to the side of the stage. Mary ordered them through his fan club and got them before they went on sale to the public. His set was pretty rad too….for the last song, 1973, he had HUGE disco balls going and the big screen at the back of the stage was all starry. Even the stage itself lit up with little lights. It pretty much looked like a snow storm inside the metro enter, very beautiful! Hotel security was likely in full force last night, with all the women trying to likely stalk him! Jeesh!

I could go on with this review but thats what my new blog is for...will post to it soon!

The past week has been a whirl wind. I cannot believe its December for real. I mean, i don't have much time left at the pier and that makes me sad. I really like working here. Then again, maybe its cause I hate school and not making money, but I am dreading January....but there is something I am looking forward to....

MATT MAYS AND EL TORPEDO AT THE MARQUEE ON JAN 23RD!!!!!!! I'm there with bells on. Heather - I know its your bday weekend then, but you gotta forgive me on this one!

I'm actually ordering my ticket when I get home through the pre-sale mailing list. Me and Meaghan are stocked. I love the Marquee. And I love MAtt. It'll be a glorious combination :)

Blargh. Life is strange at the moment. Its busy and hectic but at the very same time, slow and boring. Its like I have my awesome days, then my absolutly NOTHING days and theres no grey area. I just need to be more productive. I need some changes. I need to start taking control of things and stop day dreaming my life off. And that applys to one particular area of my life particularly....particular twice in one sentence???

I need a nap...

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